Data visualization and software development for Digital Provenance

lecture of Dr. Anne Luther, June 4, 2:30 pm – 3pm

The paper introduces the use of data visualization and software development for digital provenance with a focus in museum data. A showcase of current research examples will lead to the introduction of a current research group that Dr. Luther is leading internationally to build a digital platform that links museum data and provides code for software in digital provenance. The examples will show current use cases of data in provenance research and methods that illuminate issues around absent data, ambiguity and data bias as part of data studies.



Dr. Anne Luther is a researcher, arts manager and software developer whose work examines the contemporary art market, digital provenance and museum data through data visualization and software development. She received her PhD from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London and is currently a researcher at the Department for Modern Art History at the Institute of Art Studies and Historical Urban Studies at TU Berlin and lead research at The Center for Data Arts at The New School in New York between 2014- 2018. She assisted Professor Boris Groys at NYU in 2014-2017 and is the translator of his book “Logik der Sammlung: Am Ende des musealen Zeitalters” (forthcoming: Sternberg Press, 2019). Limitations in usability and interface design, and the need for a sufficient visualisation tool for qualitative data analysis, drew the focus in Anne’s research to development of a new software tool for data visualisation in qualitative research called ENTITY MAPPER as a research fellow between 2013-2014 at Parsons Institute for Information Mapping in New York. Her research is grounded in cultural studies, ethnography and art theory bridging an interdisciplinary approach to computer sciences, IT and design. Anne worked in several arts institutions internationally including MoMA PS1, HKW, KW Institute for Contemporary Art and the art advisory Front Desk Apparatus in New York. She is the co-founder of The International Art Market Association Sub-Committee in Berlin.