lecture of Prof. Dr. Judith Ackermann, June 4, 4 – 4:30pm
The application scenarios for digital games in educational contexts are extremely diverse. They range from the contextualisation and framing of entertainment games to the reflection of content and aesthetic aspects in games and the use of game formats developed specifically for the educational sector to the transformation of existing as well as self designed games in order to address specific questions. Both the cognitive-creative debate within the framework of a game (re)conception as well as the acting-experiencing activity of playing itself hold enormous potential for educational work in general and museum pedagogy in particular. The input shows how game and game design are used productively within museum work and it designs museum educational scenarios based on games.
Judith Ackermann is professor for digital and networked media in social work at the FH Potsdam and a regular visiting professor at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano. She was the scientific coordinator of the DFG Research Training Group “Locating Media” and is the initiator of the international Urban Games Festival playin’siegen. Since October 2017 she has been leading the BMBF project “Postdigitale Kunstpraktiken in der Kulturellen Bildung. Ästhetische Begegnungen zwischen Aneignung, Produktion und Vermittlung” (Info: www.fh-potsdam.de/pkkb) together with Marian Dörk and Hanne Seitz.